Your Target Dynamics profile contains a series of graphs. Here’s what each of them means.
Focused and Non-Focused Mindset
In his work, Dr. Karl Jung was obsessed with the idea of consciousness and unconsciousness. Not in the context of being awake or not awake, but based on doing things while thinking about them and doing things on autopilot.
From the answers that you provide in the questionnaire, we can determine what your Dynamics look like when you apply a focused mindset (conscious) and non-focused mindset (unconscious). The two graphs here show the strength of each of these Dynamics in each state.

Work Effort
The work effort graph shows the effort you need to apply to each Dynamic to move from Non-Focused to Focused. You will also see the full flow as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the higher the conscious effort. If this score is high, you will feel the effects by feeling mentally and, in some cases, physically tired when performing tasks that require a focused mindset.

Dynamics Pull
This graph shows your scores in a grid and overlays the focused and non-focused mindset. This shows how your dynamics pull on one another. The stronger the dynamic, the stronger the pull. You’l probably see your stronger dynamic pullyin the others in its direction.

Dynamics Targets
Like pull, this places you on the grid by taking an average off the strength of each score. It makes it easier to compare yourself to someone else with a profile.

Use of Preferences
The 2 scales below show how you use the Jungian preferences of Introversion and Extraversion and then Thinking and Feeling.